
by Kristen
Posted: over 1 year ago
Updated: over 1 year ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Sydney
Reminder: None
Ends: 13:00 (duration is about 3 hours)

This year’s Presentation Day will be held at Acron Oval on 10 September. On site from 10:00 there will be live music, a giant bouncy castle, the coffee cart, an ice cream van, the Toyo Tires Kick for Cash and the canteen will be open all morning as well. In addition, there’ll be a scratch parents versus kids game at 11:20 for anyone who feels up for the challenge!

As usual, team presentations will be in 20 minute slots at the following times:

10:00 U8 and U9 squads
10:20 U10 squad
10:40 U11 squad
11:00 U12 squads
11:40 U14 squads
12:00 U16 squad

Thanks and see you all a week on Sunday

Canteen: Arrive Hungry!
9:40 – 12pm – Bacon, Sausage and Egg Rolls
11: -1pm Build your own burger (all your favourites: lettuce, pineapple, beetroot, tomatoes, onions, jalapenos, pickles, sauces)

Lost Property:
Last chance to check in the club house for your lost property. If not collected by 1pm, all lost property will be washed and given to charity.

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